
Seittik is a functional programming library for Python that aims to supplant Python’s existing functional interfaces, offering a more comprehensive and expressive alternative.

Put another way: If you ever wished Python’s map(), filter(), and itertools had a fluent API, or that lambda wasn’t quite so verbose, this is for you.

It provides:

  • A fluent and extensive API for processing iterable data: pipes.

  • A compact and expressive alternative to lambda: shears.

  • A kitchen-sink, all-under-one-roof approach.

  • A REPL-first philosophy.


Something basic:

In [1]: from seittik.pipes import Pipe as P

In [2]: from seittik.shears import X, Y

# Take numbers 1 through 4, triple them, keep evens, and sum them
In [3]: P([1, 2, 3, 4]).map(X * 3).filter(X % 2 == 0).fold(X + Y)
Out[3]: 18

# Or, equivalently:
In [4]: P.range(1, 4).map(X * 3).filter(X % 2 == 0).sum()
Out[4]: 18

marble diagram

And something more amusing:

# Return 5 arrays of traditional RPG stats (rolling three six-sided dice
# for each of "Str", "Dex", "Con", "Int", "Wis", and "Cha") that have at
# least one score of 14 or better, sorted by the sum of the array, in
# descending order, providing dict labels.
In [1]: (P.roll('3d6')
   ...: .chunk(6)
   ...: .filter(P.any(X >= 14))
   ...: .dictmap({'sum': sum, 'scores': X})
   ...: .take(5)
   ...: .sort(key=X['sum'], reverse=True)
   ...: .list())
[{'sum': 71, 'scores': (13, 13, 9, 8, 16, 12)},
 {'sum': 66, 'scores': (14, 10, 8, 13, 9, 12)},
 {'sum': 66, 'scores': (8, 14, 9, 12, 13, 10)},
 {'sum': 57, 'scores': (9, 15, 8, 6, 10, 9)},
 {'sum': 54, 'scores': (12, 7, 5, 14, 6, 10)}]

Table of Contents#


Anything not documented is considered a private interface, especially anything in seittik.utils.


Module Index

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Like it? Support kitties!#

If you’re able, donations to 4 Paws Sake PA would be enormously appreciated. They’re an absolutely wonderful animal rescue.

(“Seittik” is “kitties” spelled backwards. I’m a cat person, and I wanted to avoid name collisions.)